Rhymes galore for songwriters, poets and more - Rhymulator for iPhone and iPad

November 3rd 2011

Burlington, New Jersey - Independent app developer Dante Varnado Moore of Paragoni Apps today announces Rhymulator, a universal writing app and rhyming dictionary for the iPhone and iPad. Rhymulator uses advanced linguistics and technology to dynamically filter through over 1.5 million words to generate original never before heard rhymes. The app is designed for songwriters, poets, and writers who need a robust tool for finding rhyming words says Moore, designer of the Rhymulator app.   

He continues: "Rhymulator is very easy to use. Just create a new document and start writing. Whenever you need a rhyming word tap 'Get Ideas' and start searching. Results can be shown as perfect, syllable, or near rhymes. As you browse, you can add words to your idea bank."

The developer used Rhymulator to sum it up this way:
Whether it's iPhone or iPad from which your creative juices flow
Rhymlator is the app for wordsmiths in the know

Add pizzazz & razzmatazz to your next Song or Twitter post
Or rhyme sublime when you drink to your next killer toast

Formulate your Facebook status and watch "Likes" percolate
With this easy to use writing app, rhymes you'll conjugate

It uses advanced algorithmic linguistics when in demand
To arm your tongue with rhyme ballistics upon command

With Technology that dynamically filters through 1.5 million words
You can smitten your audience, express yourself and be heard

No other rhyming tool will you ever need
Use it once and you'll declare "yes in deed!"

Besides its massive rhyme dictionary other built in reference tools are at a user's fingertips to define words, find synonyms and antonyms.

Other features include:

Built-in editor lets you create and store writings for multiple projects

Rhymes. Synonyms. Antonyms. Dictionary.

Idea Bank
Find and store collected rhymes and words for each project 

Start writing on your iPhone and continue seamlessly on your iPad without transferring files. 

Post writings to Twitter, Facebook or share by email

Write in Portrait and Landscape mode on both the iPhone and iPad

Air Print
Print documents directly from your iPhone or iPad

Files are automatically backed up by iCloud so you'll never lose your work.

Secure writings with passcode protection. 

Internet Connectivity
Because of its massive database an internet connection is required for use.

iPhone 3G+, iPad, and iPad 2 running iOS5 or higher

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